Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Fight Against Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis was foreign to most of our non-medical family members but 11 days ago it became a part of our life. Personally, God had a unique way of preparing my life for Ben's disease. During one of my clinicals in Indianapolis I cared for a CF patient. Early in Ben's hospitalization I was nervous that he might have CF because his condition pointed to all the signs that this patient I cared for experienced. When I told my mom, she quickly denied that was what Ben had. I mean common...it's a genetic disorder. No one is our family seems to ever be sick. It couldn't be us! ...Right?!

Isn't it amazing to think about God's plan for our lives? If you talked to me a a month ago, it never came close to crossing my mind that my little nephew has a deadly disease. So many people may ask "WHY?" But today I was thinking...and I think I know why... Within the past 2 weeks of Ben being in the hospital my family has never been closer (and who would have thought we weren't close enough?!). Within the past 2 weeks we have been on our knees searching for God. This must be the reason for Ben's diagnosis...we are completely depended on God. If life was comfortable and easy all the time...we would never turn to God.

I've learned through past experiences and this present trial that it's guaranteed that we will face hard times in our life. 1 Peter 1:6-7 - In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Ben's diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is just the beginning of a long journey ahead of us. God knows exactly what he is doing...and I find it amazing that Ben is the one with CF because his personality and character will easily conqueror this chronic disease. One thing I pray for little Ben is as he grows and matures into a young man, this disease will not define who he is. I pray that cystic fibrosis will be a tool for Benjamin to draw closer to the Lord but will not let it run his life. I pray for Ben's salvation and that he will one day fall completely head-over-heels in love with God!

May Ben's testimony prove to you that life is short. Give yourself to God! He doesn't guarantee it will be easy, but he does promise to carry you through every step of life!

Ben, Ty, Luke (cousin), and I in April 2008.

The loves of my life! Ben, Ty, Caleb, Hailey, Luke, Jack, and one more coming in August!

Family birthday party!

The whole Bollier/Ferg family last summer!

Currently, Ben has continued to find strength. He fights his IV antibiotic treatments and respiratory treatments sometimes, but we pray that he will get used to the procedures as they will become a life style for Ben. Michelle and Paul are absolutely exhausted. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson returned home this afternoon as Michelle and Paul begin to juggle their 3 children without much outside help these next couple of days. Michelle sounded EXHAUSTED on the phone today, and earlier this week my dad made a comment that he has never seen Michelle so tired. We may be encouraged through our faith, but we are also challenged as we continue to face this disease full force.

As we prepare for this long fight against cystic fibrosis, our family is already making big plans to raise money, support, and awareness for CF. Like Michelle said, the cystic fibrosis foundation doesn't know what is going to hit them! Over the course of the next year I will be planning a tennis tournament to raise money for research to find a cure for cystic fibrosis. At the same time, my dad wants to organize a Harley rally to "Ride for CF." We will not let cystic fibrosis have the power over our lives, we will fight the battle against CF!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For all of you,

We are praying for your family daily. We know that God prepared all of you in advance for what you are walking through - sometimes it is only when things are challenging that we can see the ways He has set our paths for the journey ahead. Megan's blog is a great testimony to the faith of your family and the trust you have in the Lord. May you know His peace in the days ahead, and may He use this in mighty ways for His kingdom. When you are too weary to know how to pray, we will be lifting you up.

Much love,
Randy, Kim, Emily, Ryan & Sarah Norbeck