Monday, July 7, 2008


The Ferguson family is setting a new trend!! I couldn't help but thoroughly enjoy this family picture. Ben has to wear a mask when he adventures out of the 9 west wing of the hospital and everyone else joins in! According to Michelle, Ben and Ty run laps around the courtyard of the hospital. Ty told Michelle that Ben is his friend and he has really missed him. Precious! Michelle and Paul talked to the nutritionist today for 2-3 hours and will be trained the appropriate CPT (chest physical therapy) technique so they will incorporate these routines into their daily life. So this next week will involve intense teaching for the whole family to care for Ben when he goes home. There is no doubt Ben is doing as well as he is because of the prayer support from people not just in our country but around the world! The power of prayer is tangible and even Michelle said she can feel all the prayers through their indescribable peace and strength! Ben has taken huge "steps forward" and we can contribute it to prayer and God's faithfulness in our lives.

A huge praise is that the doctors did not find any serious bacteria growing in his lungs...he does have one that will easily be treated with the antibiotics he has been on for the past week.

Also, whenever the nurses come to care for Ben in any way (even when he freaks out with the antibiotics because he hates when anyone touches his PICC line) we have taught Ben to say "Thank you Nurse." Or maybe this is something important I have taught him...because we must respect those amazing nurses (because I will be one someday)!

Missy and Hakeem with Baby Zion (Paul's sister, brother-in-law, and nephew) made dinner for everyone and ate it together in the Garden Courtyard at Children's.

"You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, my strong tower, my ever present help in time of need."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please pass this note onto Michelle and her husband. We have a few things in common . . . our faith, we both have a child with CF, and friendship with Lexie Bollweg. Our daughter with CF is now 4 and was diagnosed at birth. I still remember how her diagnoses turned our world upside down. I remember the long days at the hospital and the overwhelming information. I just wanted to encourage you with the fact that you're doing great and you're going to get through this one day at a time. You're in a great hospital and have now had a chance to connect with a team of medical people who will become your new friends. There will be ups and downs but God walks with you, before you and behind you. Ever more so, God is Ben's Great Physician. I'm a stranger to you all but know that my husband and I have prayed for you and your kids. Know also that if at any point you want to connect, we extend to you our email ( Katie and Kevin (MN)