Saturday, July 19, 2008

Benny's Improvement

Before Ben was diagnosed with CF and began treatment, he never slept through the night and always woke up around 5am. For the past 2 years Michelle and Paul have been experiencing Ben's inconvenient sleeping schedule. Just last night Ben slept until 7:30 am. We may have experienced the emotional disappointment to hear Ben has CF, but Ben's health has never been doing better from his treatment. It is so interesting to me that he never slept deep enough or long enough because his lungs were filled with fluid and he could not get enough oxygen. Also, Ben coughs a little when he wakes up, but it is not as bad as it was. Krista, Ben's Aunt, noticed he is not breathing as deep or heavy as he has his whole life. We are very encouraged and excited to continue to see how God heals his little body! There is only one person we can thank for his improvement, Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord!

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