Friday, July 4, 2008

The Little Miracles Within The Storm

July 4th weekend...

Ben was ecstatic to watch the fireworks from the window of his hospital room, especially after the hard day he faced. In the morning, the PICC line was inserted in his right bicep and was very sore through out the day. Later in the day Ben was given the official sweat chloride test to announce his diagnosis. For this particular test, a score below 40 is a negative CF test and a score above 60 is a confirmed positive test for CF. Sadly, the Doctor informed us his test score was 100. Hearing this new information stung pretty bad. The diagnosis is official...

Nonetheless, there are countless little miracles within this storm (here are just a few)...

Number 1: God's plan for our family to show others his love, power, and divine plan for our lives

While talking on the phone with my Uncle Phil, he reminded me that God LOVES Ben more than we EVER will. And the fact that God is hurting just as much as we are to watch little Ben go through this sickness. If God loves Ben THAT much, there MUST be a perfect reason why Ben has cystic fibrosis! I am convinced that God's reason for this, out weights the negative. I don't know how many people actually read all this blog...but maybe just that reason is for YOU. Maybe you are the person that needs to look at the pictures of Ben, and be encouraged. Encouraged through our faith and hope in Christ that He WILL carry us through this obstacle... and that no matter what you are facing today, we have a Savior who will pick us up every time we fall!

Psalm 107:13-16 - Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.

Number 2: Ben's progression within one week

This is Ben's condition one week ago as he fights for his life.

This is Ben yesterday as he sits in his bed, playing with more toys than he can handle...feeling MUCH better!
Number 3: Support for Paul and Michelle's family

Letters, phone calls, emails, places to stay, meals, packages, text messages, visits ... the support from family, friends, the community, and even strangers has been overwhelming! I will speak for Paul and Michelle and just say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Nothing goes unnoticed!

Grandpa Bollier ("Papa") has been dedicated to helping in any way he can! ...mostly by what he does best, spending time with the little guys!

Nurse Grandma Bollier has been next to Ben's side the whole time, making sure the BEST Doctors and Nurses are taking care of Ben!

And of course...Grandpa and Grandma Ferguson flew all the way from New Hampshire as they sacrifice their time to help the family with any needs.

Ben and I going crazy in the hospital!!

And for me...a little miracle I see in the whole situation is the fact that God closed the door for me to live in Michigan this summer. I always knew there was a reason God wanted me to live at home, and this is the help one of my little obsessions, nephew Ben!

WARNING: before listening to this video...

1. You may want to to have a tissue within arms reach.
2. You have to know in advance that I AM NOT A SINGER...and you will hear me sing. I risk publishing this video because I will sacrifice my embarrassment for my awful voice so that you will enjoy the sweet, cute voice that really matters!

(This was taken one night I spent with Ben in the hospital while laying with him in bed)


susan jahns said...


You were right- we did need a tissue while listening to the precious song. God is good to have you here this summer. We thank God for Ben's progress and continue to pray for him and for your whole family. Thanks for posting updates.

Randy and Susan Jahns

Mrs Wooga said...

Sometimes it's the quiet moments in the dark that God uses to touch us. It definitely touched me... Praise God that Ben knows such sweet songs and that you were there to sing with such a precious boy. Megan you are a gift - to Ben, to Paul and Mich, and to my girls too. Ben and family are daily in our prayers. We love you guys.

The Westons said...

Thanks for starting this Megan! I was struck when you said there must have been a reason that you didn't end up going to MI this true! God did have a bigger plan. We're praying for the whole Ferguson and Bollier family a ton. And the video is too cute. It made me cry.

martha said...

Yes, many tissues. But what an inspiration to hear his little voice praising and trusting Jesus.

We are with you in prayer,
the Bunch family

Anonymous said...

Tears are sure flowing! :) Thank you so much for sharing this Megan! I've been touched by reading your positive attitude - reminding me that God's in COMPLETE control!
Much Love -
Missy (Lowe) Bennett