It's exciting to say that Ben is back to his normal, crazy, energetic self! Despite the inconveniences during the day with his continued antibiotic medications, respiratory therapy, and pancreatic enzymes he has to take every time before he eats - he is the same old Ben we knew before his diagnosis! Besides his constant energy, we know that Ben is back when he will tell you blatantly what he wants, screaming "NO!" if he doesn't agree. But somehow his cute smile lets him get away with his behavior. And if you try to discipline him, he puts that silly smirk on and you can't help but just laugh at him...defeating the whole purpose.
By the third week of being in the hospital he is a great helper to all the nurses! He assists the them while taking vital signs, and his new thing is to play with the stethoscope. Michelle told me he was starting to fight his treatment, but I know she was lying because when I was in the room he was awesome! He held the nebulizer to his face all by himself and tolerated the "pat pats" (CPT - chest physical therapy) scoring an A+. The whole family is anxious to get Ben home as the CF staff at Children's prepare for Ben's release on Wednesday. Thank the Lord for blessing Ben's life!
Psalm 145: 13-16 - The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
Cousin Seth, Daniel, and Lon came to visit Ben from a Cubs game! When they left Ben kept asking about where they were...he enjoyed their company!
Ben helping with his respiratory treatment.
Ben listening to my heart beat.
Ben was getting his respiratory therapy while doing the same to his new stuffed monkey.
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