Friday, August 1, 2008

Doctors Appointment

Ben's doctor appointment was over 2 hours because the whole CF team checked on Ben and answered any questions Michelle and Paul had. Overall, the doctors said Ben has continued to gain weight so they increased the amount of enzymes he takes before his meals and snacks. Also, Ben got an inhaler for his albuterol medication instead of a nebulizer treatment. This is a huge relief for Michelle and Paul because it takes 10 minutes out of his treatment time and makes life much easier since Ben fought it each time. Ben now only has one nebulizer, pulmonzyme. According to the charts, Ben is within 8% in weight for his age group. He is considered at risk for weight and if he continues to remain at these levels he will require a feeding tube. The doctors are not too concerned since Ben was just diagnosed. They want him to be within 50% for his weight within the next 6-12 months. It is so important that Ben increases his weight because his lungs will function at a higher level.

Ben telling Papa he wants to ride the motorcycle.

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