Saturday, August 23, 2008

Team Treatments

Besides having the vest treatment twice a day, Ben receives a medicine called pulmozyme via a neublizer once a day. It is an awesome drug that thins the mucus in Ben's lungs, thus helping to eliminate conditions in Ben's lungs that the bad bacteria like. Here are some pictures of Ben with his fish mask on. Ben's normal routine is to do the albuterol inhaler then vest then pulmozyme in the morning and then the albuterol inhaler and vest right before bed. The vest has a preset timer for 15 minutes. You can adjust the frequency and the amount of pressure depending on his age. The pulmozyme neublizer treatment takes about 15 minutes.
Michelle took Ben to see his Primary Care Physician last week and Ben gained a pound and grew a 1/4 inch in two weeks. Praise the Lord! The enzymes are working and we are on our way to getting Ben to a good weight and height. The doctors want him to be in the 50% for both. Paul and Michelle are trying to feed Ben as high fat, calorie and protein diet as possible. He eats a lot of nuts, wholesome fatty beef, heavy multigrain breads, eggs with spinach and coconut oil, veggies with butter. . . actually everything he eats gets added butter or olive oil! Please pray Ben will be able to gain and maintain the weight he needs. Praise God for his continued health!
Thank you for praying for Ben!

Ben receiving pulmozyme through the neublizer.

Ty is there with Ben for almost every treatment.
The family has developed a team mentality with Ben's Cystic Fibrosis.
They all do it together and encourage Ben along the way.

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