Last week Michelle, Paul, and Ben went to Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago for Ben's routine CF clinic visit. The medical team tried to complete a Lung Function Test to see if Ben's lung capacity has reactive airways. Ben was too young to sit through the test so there were no accurate readings. Therefore, the test will have to be performed at an older age, but overall it was a positive experience to allow Ben to witness what he will have to do in the future. Next, Paul and Michelle met with Dr. McColley and the Nurse Practitioner, Stacey VanderBranden. They learned alot from them were grateful for their insight.
The big news was that Ben's BMI is up to 77%. He gained a ton of weight over the past 2 months. It is such a blessing to be over our goal of BMI at 50%. In 8 months Ben has gone from the 5% to the 77%!!! Praise the Lord for His goodness and the gift of enzymes.
After the visit Paul and Michelle took Ben to see the Prayer Chapel that Paul and Ben went to every morning during this past summer. Ben was so excited to see it and said a prayer of thanks for God's grace and blessings. When they went to the Courtyard Ben let out a squeal of delight and said, "I love this place." During the two week stay at Children's during the summer, Ben spent a lot of time in the courtyard running around because he could not go anywhere else.
We are very grateful for God's faithful and goodness. Ben came in to Children's Memorial Hospital as a very sick boy and left healthy and growing!
Psalm 34: 8 - Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
1 comment:
Can I comment on the blog?!?! ... well Michelle, you look good in this picture!! You're a cute sister!
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