Saturday, September 27, 2008


Ben seems to be taking a turn for the better.  He went to bed really early last night and felt rested when he woke.  He still has excess mucus and is coughing throughout the day.  His energy level is not back to normal and he is breathing harder than normal after activity.  The Pulmonary Nurse Practitioner Michelle and Paul consulted with thinks Ben probably has a viral infection and with CF it takes longer for the body to heal.  The antibiotics should protect Ben from bacteria infection.  Please pray for quality and quantity of sleep for Ben, healing of this infection and protection for other illness.  We deeply value your prayers.


lori said...

Thanks for keeping us updated! Our prayers continue.

Anonymous said...

Megs and all-
It's good to read the updates on Ben! God is faithful, and we are praying all of you come to know His faithfulness more and more!
Keith and Em