Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Its been a while since an update... Ben has been pretty well. Some of the highlights: enjoying 1st grade this year, playing on a soccer team, being a part of Upward basketball this winter, enjoying playing hockey in our backyard rink, downhill skiing, walking all the neighbor's dogs (he is begging for a dog of his own), turning 7 years old!
Ben had a rougher year with his Cystic Fibrosis. He cultured MRSA and Psuedomonas and the antibiotics were not effective in erradicating them. So he is now on TOBI every other month. TOBI is an inhaled antibiotic targeting Psuedomonas. It doubles his treatment time during the months he is on the medicine. There is no long term treatment for MRSA so he is treated as needed.
Thank you for your prayers and support!!!

Ben loves to fish. We go alot at the pond near our house.
Upward basketball
Skiing at Caberfae Ski Resort

Playing hockey in our backyard.