Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Helping Hands Ministries


We are very excited Ben was accepted into the Helping Hands Ministries!
Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization
dedicated to serving others through financial support.
Through this organization, people can give a
deductable donation
of which 92% goes directly to help pay for
current and future medical expenses.
The other 8% goes to help others who have medical needs in the ministry.

Please visit

To make a donation
Go to the Make a Donation tab on the left side of the Home page
go to the Donate to Helping Hands Ministries Approved Projects tab
in the Project Category select Medical Projects
in the Project select Benjamin Ferguson.

Thank you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chicago Field Muesum

Looking at the large T-Rex named Sue.

Snack break

They were so excited to have Cousins Zion and Selah and Aunt Missy and Uncle Hakeem join them at the Field Muesum! It was fun running around together!

Ben and Caleb digging for dinosaur bones at the Family Playlab.

Ben and Caleb couldn't get enough of the dinosaur exhibit.
They are inside a dinosaur nest playing with baby dinosaurs.