2009 Cruisin' For The Cure
in honor of Ben Ferguson
By supporting CFF, you are contributing to the research, care and education of Cystic Fibrosis, which will benefit Ben. I am impressed that approximately 90% of every dollar raised by
CFF is spend on research.
The 2009 Cruisin For The Cure
will be a group of motorcycle riders taking the challenge
to ride around Lake Michigan -- 1000 miles in 24 hours for the benefit of CFF.
You can support by donating an amount per mile ie . . .
penny per mile - $10
penny per mile - $10
dime per mile - $100
dollar per mile - $1000
or any donation you wish … $ _____
to make a donation online
or … send your check made out to CFF …
to Michelle Ferguson 0N556 Herrick Drive Wheaton IL 60187
Thank you so much!!