Thursday, February 5, 2009

Call for Prayer!

Two important things:

1.  Ben's new website is up and running ... VISIT!!!!!!!

2.  Yesterday Ben was prescribed a powerful antibiotic, Amoxicillin.  He was shown signs of either a sinus infection or a bacteria infection in his lungs.  He will be visiting the CF clinic tomorrow so they can obtain a culture to detect any possible bacteria growing in his lungs.    

Michelle has noticed for the past month that he was been more lethargic, not eating as well, and has a persistent cough. 

Please pray that the tests comes back negative!!  

We know Ben's life is in God's hands and we trust Him through every step!    

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ben loves to dump all the cars onto the couch and line them up.

Michelle and Paul have been debating if Ben needed to go on an antibiotic this week.  He has been doing pretty well but not his best.  The main symptoms were more irritable, less energy, coughing more, and harder to get him to eat.  Then Saturday night he woke up coughing around midnight and Michelle went to the Pharmacy around 12:30am to get Ben some antibiotics.  Sleepless night are never fun, but the antibiotic seems to be effective.  He is still not to his baseline but already Ben has more energy and is sleeping more soundly.  Please pray for wisdom for Paul and Michelle to know the when and when not to give Ben antibiotics.  They don't want to be too aggressive and give him antibiotics too much because of the risk of them becoming ineffective.  However, we want to make sure we prevent an exacerbation as it could lead to lung damage.
Ty and Ben love to play with their cars. They play with them everyday and for hours.  Ben can't handle it if the cars aren't near him at all times.  Ben has a bucket that he faithfully carries with him around the house.