Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Looking back on 2008, we clearly see God has taken us through a year we will never forget.  Especially for Ben!  In June Ben was faced with a diagnosis that changed his life, and for the past 6 months of the year we have been adjusting to a new life style.    

For the past month Ben has been exceeding all expectations.  He is gaining weight, staying health (for the most part), and living an active, normal 2 year old life.  Ben has continued to do treatments twice a day.  He is also currently getting over a cold which was a concern for awhile.  We are grateful his cold has not got worse, especially since so many viruses are going around at this time of the year.  But thankfully Ben has not had to go back on antibiotics due to the decline in his cold symptoms.

Also, looking back on 2008, we clearly see the hand of God on Ben's life.  God has continued to strengthen our lives, our faith, and our hope for the future!  

Philippians 3:14  -  Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

And for YOU!  Thanks you for being interested in Ben's life.  Thank you for being a prayer partner and helping Michelle and Paul carry the burden.  Thank you for investing your time to be a part of Ben's life.  

And now as we look forward to the year 2009, we strain toward what is ahead; we press on toward the goal and to look heavenly bound.  Our eyes are on the Lord for the year 2009, therefore we know Ben's life is in good hands!  

Happy New Year!               

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cutting down the Ferguson Christmas tree was a fun adventure. The boys just wanted to chop trees down. They weren't really into my desire to find the perfect family tree like Michelle. Paul started his basketball season so the whole family has spend many hours in the Wheaton Academy gym. Ty, Ben and Caleb love it and can't get enough!  Also, recently Michelle rented the movie Kung Fu Panda and it's the new obsession in the house.  Everyone now karate chops each other, Caleb included.
Ben is doing well. His throat culture came back normal which is another answer to prayer. Please continue to pray for Ben's health this winter.

Exodus 15:2-3  -  The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.  
He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.  
The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name.